for business

Make it easy for customers to choose you

People on Yelp are looking to spend their money with the right local businesses. Claim your page to show them what you're all about.

80+ million people
visit Yelp each month to find restaurants, home services, and other businesses.¹
83% of users hire or buy
from a business they found on Yelp.²
Over 60,000 new requests
for quotes, consultations or other messages are sent to businesses on Yelp every day.³

Get ready to reach your goals

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Claiming your page is a great way to tell your story and shine. You can:

  • Keep business information up-to-date
  • Share photos of your skills in action
  • Get calls, messages, and more
  • Respond to reviews

Businesses love Yelp

Yelp has been immensely useful for updating our fans on business hours and special offers during the COVID crisis.

AJ Soldo, Hospitality Mgr

Yelp is perfect for our young, tech-savvy clientele.

Doug Dalton, Owner

Yelp helped me grow our bottom line.

Jay Foster, Chef/Owner

Getting started is free, easy, and only takes a few minutes

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1 Comscore Media Metrix, as of March 2022

2 Based on a survey conducted by Yelp in August 2022. Methodology used: ComScore demographics and people who reported having used Yelp in the prior 3 months

3 Comscore age and income data via Media Metrix Multi-Platform report, as of September 2022. Based on users above the age of 18+